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Recruitment and Manning Selection


We have established a recruitment group to screen and conduct preliminary interviews to all applicants. Both national and international requirements together with flag-state documents including pre-employment medical examination, ensure accepted applicants are physical and mentally-fit to work on-board ship.


Our Advantage

  • Job Advertisement in all mediums

  • Job Fairs especially from provinces

  • Network and other agent contacts

  • Pre-screening and trade tests

  • Background check

Maritime Training and Development


In support to constant upgrade of seafarer's knowledge and skills, company is ready to provide " in-house training programs " including:


  • Containerization

  • ISM Code

  • ISPS (Refresh)

  • Human Relation

  • Maritime English

  • Anti-Piracy


Any addition to customer/principal's requirements are formulated into program modules.

Family Welfare and Crew Payroll Services


Company also provides other value-added services and organize activities for the seafarer and their families. These include:


  • Allotment and Remittance Services

  • Cash Advances and Loans

  • Pre-departure Orientation Seminar

  • Seafarer's (Family) Day

  • Principal Events / Conference

  • Protection and Indemnity

Our Services


We are committed to develop and maintain a sufficient pool of qualified seafarers to meet our customers' requirements. The Department of Labor and the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) have acclaimed company success and outstanding performance with Top Performer Award 2005 and 2010.


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